Economic Evaluations

YHEC is a market leader in the development of a wide range of economic evaluations including:

We have a proven track record of developing cost-effectiveness models from a global perspective that are robust enough to support submission to advanced health technology assessment (HTA) agencies such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).  We also regularly develop more simple models to support local reimbursement / negotiations or internal pricing decision making.


The health economic modelling team also provides the following services:

  • Model critique and validation
  • Model adaptation
  • Manuscript preparation
  • Bespoke training

Our client base covers the pharmaceutical and medical device industries (large and small) as well as national organisations such NICE, Public Health England and NHS England. Services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each of these clients.


Please click on the headings below for further information.


Burden of illness analyses

We can undertake burden of illness analyses to ascertain the financial and human impact of a particular disease. This may inform where future technology development may be best targeted and identify unmet need.

Early Stage Development

Early economic model development

We can undertake early economic modelling to estimate the likely cost-effectiveness of an intervention before making decisions on price and indication, as well as to inform the development of clinical trials.

Strategic advice

We can advise on the outcomes to include in your clinical trial, guide you on when and how to collect this information, and assist with analysis plans in order to optimise the quality and usefulness of your trial data for future health technology assessment (HTA).

Trial Phase

Trial based economic evaluation

We can undertake trial based economic evaluations using data from your clinical trial where the clinical trial provides all of the data required for a robust economic evaluation.


Economic model development

We can develop economic models suitable for submission to HTA agencies. Such models may be developed at a global level for adaption to multiple HTA agencies or specifically for HTA agencies within the UK (e.g. NICE, SMC and AWMSG).

Price threshold analysis

We can undertake price threshold analysis using an economic model to determine economically justifiable price points

HTA Submission

Budget impact analysis

We can undertake budget impact analysis to estimate the likely change in expenditure to a specific budget holder resulting from a decision to reimburse a new healthcare intervention (or some other change in policy) at an aggregate population level.

Submission dossier

We can assist you in your submission process by completing submission dossiers directly or designing our reports to be easily entered into submission dossiers.

Model critique and validation

We can carry out a critique of an economic model developed by an external agency prior to HTA submission. This critique can capture both verification and validation of the model.

Run a mock committee meeting

We often run mock committee meetings for companies prior to their NICE committee meeting. For such meetings we use internal and external (e.g. clinicians and HTA experts) expertise.


Research dissemination

We can help you to disseminate your research to the wider scientific community by writing peer-reviewed manuscripts and developing and delivering conference presentations.

Business case models

We can produce a business case model (and associated report) to aid uptake of your technology within the NHS where your technology is cost-effective.

Training on making a business case

We can use our expertise of working with companies and the NHS to provide training around making a specific business case to the NHS. Such training may make use of a business base we have developed for your technology.

Contact us today if you would like to enquire about this service