Economic Evaluations – other

YHEC provides services such as economic evaluation and evidence reviews to a variety of other organisations such as third sector and charities and social enterprises.  We have also used tailored techniques such as social return on investment analysis to support organisations commissioning or providing non-statutory services in the health and social care context.


YHEC has more than 30 years’ of experience of providing services to the NHS, public sector and other organisations. The types of economic analyses we provide include:


YHEC collaborates on projects with colleagues within the University of York and also with other universities and research organisations.  We have collaborated with academic colleagues at the Universities of Manchester and Birmingham on national projects such as the National Collaborating Centre for Indicator Development for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).  We have also collaborated with other research organisations such as Ipsos MORI on evaluations of emerging policy issues such as early diagnosis of cancer and digital health.  YHEC is happy to consider collaboration on projects and tenders advertised research.

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