Health Technology Assessment (also known as HTA) is the multi-disciplinary evaluation of the clinical effectiveness and/or cost-effectiveness and/or the social and ethical impact of a health technology on the lives of patients and the health care system. Information is summarised in a comprehensive, systematic, transparent, unbiased and robust manner.
The main purpose of health technology assessment is to inform health care decision-makers, in particular regarding the reimbursement of new drugs and other health care interventions. Health technology assessment produces advice about whether a health technology should be used, and if so how it is best used, which patients will benefit and what is the magnitude of health benefit in relation to the cost. While all health technology assessment frameworks include assessments of unmet need, clinical effectiveness and the financial/budget impact of a new technology, many also include assessment of cost-effectiveness and consider other aspects (sometimes referred to as ‘domains’), such as wider social impact, equity, ethical and legal issues. Health technology assessment differs from appraisal: the former is the analytical process of gathering, assessing and summarising available information, whereas appraisal refers to the political process of producing guidance, taking into account the assessment as well as other factors (such as social values, political/policy, availability of resources for implementation).
How to cite: Health Technology Assessment [online]. (2016). York; York Health Economics Consortium; 2016.