The expected value of partially perfect information is the price that a healthcare decision maker would (in theory) be willing to spend in order to gain perfect information for one or more factors (i.e. inputs to an economic model) which may influence which treatment alternative is preferred, based on the analysis of uncertainty in the relevant cost-effectiveness analysis. The EVPPI is calculated as the difference in the monetary value of health gain associated with a decision between therapy alternatives (and represented in an economic model) between when a choice is made on the basis of currently available information (i.e. uncertainty in the factor(s) of interest) and when the choice is made based on perfect information (no uncertainty in these factors). EVPPI is closely related to EVPI (and EVSI) and is primarily used to assess the value of collecting further information, especially when this may involve expensive trials, registries or other observational studies.
How to cite: Expected Value of Partially Perfect Information (EVPPI) [online]. (2016). York; York Health Economics Consortium; 2016.