A single technology appraisal (STA) undertaken by UK NICE is one where a (new) technology is compared with standard of care for the indication of interest.  It is possible that more than one comparator intervention is considered, in which case the new technology is assessed against each relevant comparator in turn (but the comparators are not assessed against each other).  It is also possible that the indication is broken down to distinct sub-populations if the new technology may be used at different places in the care pathway and/or where comparator interventions differ for these sub-populations.  For new pharmaceuticals at the time of marketing authorisation STAs are the most common form of appraisal. Components of an STA process include scoping, submission, evidence assessment, (usually two) appraisal meetings, (final) appraisal determination and communication, with provision for an appeal should that be requested by the technology sponsor.  Assessment of evidence submissions is undertaken by an independent academic group (Evidence Review Group – ERG) reviewing a formal submission made by the technology sponsor, and views are sought from independent clinical experts and patients’ representatives.  The process from scoping to final determination typically takes 48 weeks. Detailed guidance on the STA process (2018 process guide revision) is available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/process/pmg19/resources/guide-to-the-processes-of-technology-appraisal-pdf-72286663351237


How to cite: Single Technology Appraisal (UK NICE) [online]. (2016). York; York Health Economics Consortium; 2016. https://yhec.co.uk/glossary/single-technology-appraisal/


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